“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Mono-Droids

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Mono-Droids

Today’s brave new world is the one that terrified us in the 60’s: Technology, society, and education — all twisted to make us conform.

Our limited access information highways only lead to places that reinforce a single belief. The most popular product is everywhere on view. And people are famous for being famous. Your opinions are now delivered to you by using an app.

Do you ever wonder why our world is so sick?

There’s so much more money and power in treating a sickness; than in curing it. None of our ills are accidental.

The current trend is for all professions to become one with the central control.

With Artificial Intelligence fully realized; they won’t need us anymore.

Now you can go back to your “hate bytes”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Victim’s Fault

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Victim’s Fault

Being in “the wrong place at the wrong time” could describe living in Tompkins County in 2021. Mealy-mouth phrases flow like crocodile tears from the Corporate-Institutional coalition that rules over the people.

It’s going nation-wide — watch your back.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Screenshot 2

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Screenshot 2

While it’s tempting to “fight fire with fire”; we should always look for a better way.

Abraham Lincoln said; “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” What a world of human worth and dignity that sentence contains.

Today we are celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and beliefs — or are we? Martin Luther King, Jr., along with every other revered leader in the fight for equality, believed that equality and human worth are an unconditional and inseparable part of every act towards another human being — while many of those leaders who use his name; betray his beliefs.

“The path is made by walking.” – African Proverb

If you act to repress others; then that is the path that you make.

It doesn’t get plainer than that.

Little Black Boxes

It’s sometimes helpful to think of local and municipal government policy as little black boxes.

Frequently the policy inside is fully finished, and hidden from sight until its presentation.

Cause and effect are replaced by undisclosed bureaucratic processes and behind-the-scenes communications.

Tompkins County’s never-once-mentioned policy towards traffic control on Lansingville Road is contained within one of these bureaucratic “black boxes.”

After many months of complaints about the noise and reckless behavior of hundreds of thru-cutting dump trucks and tractor trailers to representatives, and requesting a weight limit on our road; the County Highway Department Supervisor assured our representative that there was nothing but agricultural activity.

We sent photos of a number of different dump trucks with gravel plainly visible, and there was silence for a while. Suddenly signs appeared from the County Highway Department stating a limit of “20 Tons” [a sign that is commonly reserved for bridges]; effectively short-circuiting our efforts. [The signs used to stop thru-truck traffic on other local roads have a “4 Ton” limit.]

Recently there has been an even greater upswing in large truck activity on Lansingville Road; especially from one company. Yesterday, when these trucks were followed, they were found to be traveling to and from the site of a 2-year bridge construction project on a state highway. It had been announced that heavy and large trucks would be detoured onto other state highways to avoid small roads and hamlets.

Our email of these findings got no response. Today, there were no big trucks on Lansingville Road.

Is this a coincidence?

Maybe County authorities are reaching out to the State to cut off any chance of our blocking large trucks, or they’re writing a new truck policy with an appendix; like Lansing Town Zoning did when they zoned all “sexually oriented businesses” for rural neighborhoods only.

The rural people of Tompkins County have no oversight or clear view of its policy making; and no right to vote on its policies, or even have their questions answered.

What is going on inside this “black box”?

We have an idea . . .

Form Based Code Dictatorship

With Form Based Codes; the words used to describe their scope are the key to understanding their use.

Form Based Code regulations are completely authoritarian; both in formulation, and in administration. Its planning advocates use the term “community” with the same sincerity as a dictator speaks of “the people.”

I was not able to find single instance of Form Based Code guidelines that recommend meaningful public participation as part of the regulatory process. The New Urbanism [like the Urban Colonialism that is destroying rural America] is an example of rulership, not partnership.

Form Based Code advocates always stress the great power it gives authorities to decide how people will live; a power without public control or oversight: it’s like signing a blank check.

Here are a few examples that give a glimpse of the iron fist inside the “community friendly” glove. [Something to think about before your municipality rushes to adopt Form Based Code regulations.]:

“A form-based code is a regulation, not a mere guideline, adopted into city, town, or county law . . . a powerful alternative to conventional zoning” — formbasedcodes.org

“They are keyed to a regulating plan that designates the appropriate form and scale (and therefore, character) of development, rather than only distinctions in land-use types.” — formbasedcodes.org

“Not to be confused with design guidelines or general statements of policy, form-based codes are regulatory, not advisory.” — formbasedcodes.org

“It has the most regulatory “teeth”—compliance is required.” — Wikipedia

“Form-based codes have emerged as a powerful tool for city planners” — Caroline Cournoyer, Better Zoning through Breaking Old Codes

“with appropriate enabling legislation, form-based codes can be contained within a planning document called a “specific plan,” which can completely override the zoning ordinance for a given geographic area.” — Wikipedia

“If the architects could understand that they’re part of a larger effort of placemaking, and it’s not just a restriction like any old code . . .” — Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk

What a world of arrogance in a few words: anyone who so dismissively refers to the result of centuries of human accommodation and reconciliation as “any old code”; has either a dangerous lack of understanding of people herself, or a fear of the “disorder” that results from human complexity. Save your Lego logistics for the plastic figures.

Form Based Codes are the powerful new tool that authorities can use to answer “I don’t want it” with “you have no choice.”

In case you’re wondering what this New Urbanism aberration has to do with rural communities; Tompkins County’s urban planners have “identified” development nodes in rural towns throughout the county — resettlement and control will spread from there.

There’s No Such Thing

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and you can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps; but today’s policy makers pretend that you can selectively repress and oppress on the basis of race and gender without doing harm.

Like a parent who argues that they only abuse their child rarely; so they should be judged on the majority of days – Or a driver who excuses driving in the wrong direction; with the idea that he’s risking his life too:

Their irrational rationalizing declares that you can isolate the cause from the effect; just by saying it is so. And that you can defend any evil action by minimizing the victim, and stressing the self-righteousness of your excuse.

Nothing so undercuts their paper-thin pretensions of a greater good, than a comparison with those that have fought in the cause of human worth.

It’s not surprising that today’s policies, so at odds with ethical behavior; are also at odds with the lives and beliefs of every respected figure of human dignity and equality we hold as examples:

From Frederick Douglass to Martin Luther King, Jr.; and from Mother Teresa to Malcolm X: their belief was that equality was unconditional — for everyone, everywhere, and always.

You can’t follow someone in the opposite direction.

Today’s policy makers are not the inheritors that cause – they are its betrayers.

New Word: “Stonewindowing”

New Word: “Stonewindowing”

Mealy-mouth manipulation has risen to a tsunami of treachery in government policy making; so it’s time to coin some new words to describe the doctrinal dictatorship we live in.

In a county where legislators went to the state capital to block our town from access to the natural gas needed to attract businesses; for “environmental” concerns; and later approved the construction of a 2,000 student residential complex powered by natural gas in their own — the word “mealy-mouthed” just means “business as usual.”

The Wall of Hate

Some of the mail I received last election. A number of these mailings don’t even promote an opposing candidate: just hate.

The Wall of Hate

What did I learn?

They have an awful lot of money from somewhere.

They don’t want to debate the issues.

They hate anyone that stands in their way.

And when they take complete control: Cornithaca County.

Codifying Corruption: New School Marks

Codifying Corruption: New School Marks

Is nothing sacred? In the Revealed Church of Secular Self-interest; Doctrinal policies are.

With new programs and attitudes that directly contradict the lives and beliefs of every respected figure of human worth and equality; it’s time for Full Disclosure – Full Exposure of our government policies and statistics.

After all, if there was nothing to hide; it wouldn’t be secret.