“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Baby Daddy” Board Game Download

Six men are rumored on Facebook to be the father of the child. But only the one who best matches the DNA sequence by drawing the right cards and dodging the legal labyrinth will be able to move on to “Baby Daddy” status. [Requires a “standard” 52 card deck for moving player tokens.]

Download, print, cut out, and assemble the game board and tokens.

See “Downloads” page on the menu.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Village of the Damned Idiots” Movie poster

“Village of the Damned Idiots” Movie poster

Can this happen in your town? It’s a parent’s worst nightmare! [Well, one of them – your kids playing lawn Jarts with unmedicated friends is right up there.] What if your children are unable to do anything for themselves? What if “taking care of your parents” meant giving them the COVID virus as soon as it was available?

What if they made “Return to the Village of the Damned Idiots”? – Hideous Brain Eating Zombies searching for where it is located.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Krazy Rats Scenario”

“Krazy Rats Scenario”

Increase the density of the rat population – and they go crazy. It’s a myth – they say. So what’s our excuse? In a world so Doctrine-ordered; maybe our craziness is ordered too. Form Based Craziness. Maybe the craziness is so we can’t see what’s going on. Or maybe the craziness is to stop us from living comfortably together. Craziness gives a great power; but without sure control.

Will the craziness destroy us? It’s not brinkmanship – it’s a pattern of abuse: If they can’t have the world . . . then no one can.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Load Stomach”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Load Stomach”

Too much turkey, and you won’t be climbing many of those ladders. A full stomach can make you content – not to worry about where the next meal is coming from – not to worry where the money for this meal is coming from. Where do all those government payments come from? The future.

So sit back, loosen your belt, and watch the game: it’s a race between global warming, over population, pandemic pathogens, and crashing debt.

That’s OK – we can make it all better with a combination Artificial Intelligence and GMO Nanotechnology . . . Oops.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Form Based Boiler Room”

“Form Based Boiler Room”

Balance yourself on the pipes to find a way across the bed of hot Prohibitions – but even following the pipes can’t prevent you from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Today’s Doctrine monitors, not only your actions, but your thoughts — and the looks of anxiety and fear are everywhere in Cornithaca County. One Thought – One Taught – One Voice – One Choice.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “If Wisdom is extinct” Bumper sticker

“If Wisdom is extinct” Bumper sticker

“If Wisdom is extinct; how far behind are we?” In thinking back; all the cautions of arrogance, and the counselling of Wisdom have disappeared – all the governors that stop runaway pride and hubris have been removed.

Our social policies directly contradict the lives and beliefs of every notable figure of human worth and equality.

Our scientists eschew the advice of unpredictable and disastrous worldwide consequences; by covering their asses with unaccountability.

Our activists bond with the same forms and institutions as those whom they decry; in competition, rather than in opposition.

The “gadfly” is now considered a disruptive force – a noise in the “lossy” one-voice rhetoric of today’s authoritative elite.

Young people are media-fed on attractive lies; growing unnaturally, like 6 month old chickens that are bigger than an adult of the last century – and for the same purpose: money.

Everything that contradicts and competes with today’s Doctrine of Using has been relegated and erased — and that includes the wisdom and humanity of millennia.

We’re calling on science to drive us ever faster from the scene of our crimes — but in one global world; we’re only racing more quickly to meet it as we come full circle.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Form Basted Thanksgiving”

“Form Basted Thanksgiving”

The form based conventions and convocations of Thanksgiving are everything that Form Based Codes are not – they’re all about people. And when there’s no room left for food and drink; there’s room on the couch for a snooze.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Five workers are scheduled” Bumper sticker

“Five workers are scheduled” Bumper sticker

No matter how much you reduce your expectations in the workplace; you have to keep lowering the bar.

It was an older woman working the grocery store checkout yesterday who told me about the “five workers” scenario – and she wasn’t happy. For her; it meant an unending line of unhappy customers.

The lie that they’re only hurting the company is refuted by the curses of those who have to carry the extra load – those who work for the same disparaged wages; are those who suffer the most. I know this from experience.

Not paying for auto insurance doesn’t hurt the insurance companies; it’s just added to the amount others have to pay – you’re climbing on the backs of those already struggling to keep their heads above water.

Today’s “Workless Ethic” crew blame the lack of a motor; while refusing to help the rowers. They’re shooting at a paper target; when they know that the bullets are going into the homes in back of it . . . and they really don’t care.

If you want to get the lowdown on low-pay shirkers — just ask low-pay workers.