“The World According to Doctrine” — “Everybody wants to be an authority figure” Bumper sticker

“Everybody wants to be an authority figure” Bumper sticker

So many people want to be Authority Figures these days – flashing honors and credentials like patents of nobility.

Or Messengers: racing from place to place – filled with the importance of delivering the News; without the danger and drudgery of involvement.

A society of elite people holding themselves above or outside of the oppression and evil of our times — with an eye on the lifeboat.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” Bumper sticker

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” Bumper sticker

Outreach is important. The “If they want our help; they can come to us” attitude of our institutions leaves people to rot in place – or suffer until they are willing to take that big first step. Instead of making people ask: “Can you help me?” — We should be asking; “How can we help you?”

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Crimestoppers?” Bumper sticker

“Crimestoppers?” Bumper sticker

Crimestoppers? Case-solvers might be a better name for it – with everyone doing their part to solve the case – But stopping crime is not about process: it’s about results.

I remember being told by a coworker that when she replaced the carpet in her condo unit: the floor underneath was found to be covered with cigarette butts and unswept construction debris – the original carpet layers just rolled the carpet and pad over whatever was on the floor: just doing their part.

Maybe the problem is not a case of “falling through the cracks” but of being hidden under the Criminal Justice System carpet.