“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Confrontational” Bumper Sticker

“Confrontational” Bumper Sticker

If the last election and its aftermath has taught us anything; it’s that if you’re not confrontational; you’re nothing.

Those that were confrontational and violent are being showered with privileges and media promotion; those that were not are just fodder for the Sacrifice Grinder.

Use this generic bumper sticker as an attitude setting giveaway for your group’s confrontational launch.

Remember: “If you don’t make the list; you’ll never be missed.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “It’s not the experience you can see . . .” Bumper Sticker

“It’s not the experience you can see . . .” Bumper Sticker

Today, in a word, is dull. The endless flashy parade of entitlement is no more than a freight train that holds you up at the crossing.

It’s time for old people to shrug off the soporific talk, talk, talk, advocacy that led to so many pandemic deaths; and get confrontational.

When you’ve done so much; it’s annoying to be treated as so little.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “It was like that when I moved in.” Bumper Sticker

“It was like that when I moved in.” Bumper Sticker

It’s hardly a problem in logic; but it’s a problem with our society. Not the self-serving lying — but the attitude that everything ends with you.

Compassion is no longer something that binds the community together; it’s something that flows from designated sources and institutions, and only to those who are considered worthy.

The “Us” of our current administration, like the “We” of previous royalty, does not refer to all; but to a single authority that rules all.

When told “we” have to make sacrifices; the first thought is not “what,” but “who?”

It was like that when you moved in — and will it be any better when you move out?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “FORM BASED CODES” Bumper Sticker

“FORM BASED CODES” Bumper Sticker

Power AND Control: that’s why authorities are authorizing Form Based Code Planning as their template for the future. Controlling behavior through controlling the environment is the sterile dream of Operant Conditioning and “Skinner Box” societies.

Form Based Code proponents are very much like their Code: intolerant of anything different, and gaining power from an intransigent authority.

You’re not some misplaced “square peg in a round hole”; there are no “square holes” — so you’ll just have to fit.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “TDML” Bumper Sticker

“TDML” Bumper Sticker

TDML is one of those concepts that clearly points to the direction we are heading; it sets an acceptable level to act that should never be acceptable at all.

This is the perfect bureaucratic policy because it accepts inaction and paperwork as the solution to society’s ills.

We used to cringe at the dark logic of “10 to 20 million killed, tops” — Today that sort of thinking is standard government practice.