Stick a fork in it

People don’t take the time to hear what you have to say – only to see if you have something they want.


In an age of using: it’s not surprising that the baseline of our human worth is a denial of that worth.

The more power our leaders gain; the less accountability they have, and in our next-gen society of the greater good: everything is excusable – so policy makers can always have a good reason for doing evil, and legitimize any act by rationalizing it.

Our modern sophistication has created a social media that is ever vulnerable to the age-old tools of flattery and deceit. The Bad is coming, and most people will merely follow the fingers of blame to wherever they point.

In an “If I can’t have world: no one can” paradigm, where politicians would rather take the risky solution than the difficult one, we are paralyzed in a frisson of fear.

The tipping point.

As our digital flip-flop flops into AI; it’s time to get off the ride: no amount of wishing is going to turn that horse loose to ride into the sunset.

“Native Americans” bumper sticker

Were the "Native Americans" an Invasive Species?

Our new society is built on a foundation of privilege and hate. It fosters a polarization through its insistence that society needs to be stratified by race, gender, and ethnicity: under an overarching Authority.

Like all privileges supported by bigotry – its foundations are not open to debate: But they are ever-vulnerable to satire.

“COEXIST” political bumper sticker

“COEXIST” political bumper sticker. This bumper sticker satirizes the anything-but-tolerant political beliefs of those whose only tolerance is in the trivialization of others.

Is nothing sacred?! Religion is one thing; but politics? – Now you’re getting serious. Today’s politicos like to downgrade and subordinate every belief – except their own. This bumper sticker satirizes the anything-but-tolerant political beliefs of those whose only tolerance is in the trivialization of others. 

“Idea Enhancement Project” — “Who would have thought?”

“Who would have thought?”

Experts are always marveling at what people in the past were able to accomplish with limited technology. The answer is simple – they thought more than we do. When you add up the percentage of our modern technological and scientific endeavors that are given over to thinking: it’s shockingly little.

And yet, isn’t thinking is the first/best tool we should be reaching for to solve our problems and build the future?

And thinking is not only necessary to decide what we should do – but also to decide what we shouldn’t do.

Just as newer technologies race to correct the damage that their earlier iterations have created – so do we race to complete all the steps we need to ensure our existence for the completion of future steps – ever climbing out of a mess that is ever growing.

We’ve become hoarders of experts and authorities, fear and anxiety – until we can’t move around in our own lives for the detritus of decision making.

Will Artificial Intelligence save us? — Will the model in the display case stop the Titanic from sinking?

“Idea Enhancement Project” — “What’s The Big Idea?”

What’s The Big Idea?

Ideas don’t come from nothing – they come from everything.

As I walked into a community meeting last week; someone in the back called out: “Are you still causing trouble?”

“I never cause trouble” I replied and kept walking – denial is usually the best response until you can appraise the situation – but now, and in public, I’ll make an admission: I have a “command center.”

Everywhere these days; there’s a command center: so I got four cameras, pointed them at nothing in particular, and had split-screened a command center on my monitor.

When I started watching “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” – they too had a “command center” – and I felt like part of the club. But then they opened a coded lock to their “inner sanctum” – “Shit! They have an inner sanctum!” – but short of putting a coded lock on my bathroom [which isn’t “visitor friendly”] or lining my garage with foil – I’ll have to wait on that.

“Skinwalker Ranch” has many secrets; and the first of these is why it was sold. I believe in the simple case that overrides the boundary conditions; and if there was any evidence of extraterrestrials or portals: government fears of First Contact, or even first discovery, would have kept it out of private hands, and public scrutiny.

Although the show’s experiments are carried out on a landfill of previous, undisclosed government experiments; the results and data are consistent with a high incidence of low probability electromagnetic phenomena [and perhaps magnetic theories of ball lightning could provide an insight into the observed incidents of “orbs” and their seeming ability to pass through solid matter.]

So where’s the “Idea Enhancement” thing? Since Idea Enhancement’s “qualitative thinking” leaves no tracks; I can only present the idea: Carry out cold fusion experiments at Skinwalker Ranch. That’s it, that’s what I would do.

“Idea Enhancement Project” — “It’s a mistake”

It’s a mistake.

When I check the statistics of visitors to the Idea Enhancement website; they invariably visit for “less than 5 seconds” – it’s a mistake.

Something must immediately contradict their expectations or ‘unfulfill” their need for scientific merchandise and merchandising.

In adopting Science’s recycled vision of a mechanistic Universe – modern authorities are eager to gain power and compliance by promoting the idea that they can gift us with happiness and self-worth through material means. Just as Ingmar Bergman’s magician was unable to gain an admission of his powers from the village Minister of Health; while the crone in his traveling show made a profitable business of selling love potions and charms in his kitchen – so are we unwilling to shoulder the burdens of a complex and subtle human reality; and cling to the storybook simplicity of our ‘magic bullet’ scientific “potions.”

When I want to organize something; I just put it in the first place I would look for it – it works. Why worry about the methodologies and proscriptions of experts to fix a problem that the mind so effortlessly solves? The same is true of Idea Enhancement.

“Idea Enhancement” is no more than a name to describe the effortless process of creation – an exhortation to “try it before you deny it.” The “Scientific method” is a self-fulfilling methodology that only sees building steps to get over a wall that you could walk around.

“Idea Enhancement” is practical: it works. So, take a walk around the wall and see what’s there — you can always go back and see what progress “science” has made.

Next: I will share some of the results from my totally unmethodical “qualitative thinking” for your imagination.