“Native Americans” bumper sticker

Were the "Native Americans" an Invasive Species?

Our new society is built on a foundation of privilege and hate. It fosters a polarization through its insistence that society needs to be stratified by race, gender, and ethnicity: under an overarching Authority.

Like all privileges supported by bigotry – its foundations are not open to debate: But they are ever-vulnerable to satire.

“COEXIST” political bumper sticker

“COEXIST” political bumper sticker. This bumper sticker satirizes the anything-but-tolerant political beliefs of those whose only tolerance is in the trivialization of others.

Is nothing sacred?! Religion is one thing; but politics? – Now you’re getting serious. Today’s politicos like to downgrade and subordinate every belief – except their own. This bumper sticker satirizes the anything-but-tolerant political beliefs of those whose only tolerance is in the trivialization of others. 

“The World According to Doctrine” — “The Great Divide”

“The World According to Doctrine” — “The Great Divide” page 1
“The World According to Doctrine” — “The Great Divide” page 2

This may be it – I’ve been thinking about stopping, putting the book together, and moving on to other projects. The quotes in “The Great Divide” not only expresses the main threads of my books much better than I can: they highlight the extent to which that thinking has been discarded in our journey to the New Dictatorship.

This climate change winter; I hope to be sitting in a comfortable leather armchair, in front of a woodstove, with a glass of single-malt, a pitcher of water — and books that no dictatorship would ever approve of.

“The World According to Doctrine” — The Industrial Agriculture Anthem

“The World According to Doctrine” — The Industrial Agriculture Anthem

The background is an aerial view of dirt pens in a factory farm. The black dots are cattle. This was taken before photos of factory farms became illegal. Imagine three views: overhead from a distance, up close on the ground, and when you put it into your mouth. That’s the name of that tune.

“The World According to Doctrine” — Ithaca Bookburning Festival Poster

“The World According to Doctrine” — Ithaca Bookburning Festival Poster

Next month? Next year? It’s coming! You can feel it in the air. It’s not smoke from Canadian wildfires that’s fogging the air and keeping people indoors. It’s a Doctrine of privilege and hate.

“The World According to Doctrine” — How to survive a crash – not prevent it

“The World According to Doctrine” — How to survive a crash – not prevent it

“Put your head between your knees and hope” is government’s answer to riding with an impaired driver – as their drunken progress brings us ever closer to the cliff’s edge.

Their refusal to enact Climate Change regulations that would affect industries; has resulted in Climate Change droughts, floods, and heat that has had an even greater effect on businesses – one that will continue to increase.

Millennials won’t get their hands dirty: they’re too perfect to do anything but blame.

Is there still time? Time before we crash, yes. Time to avert it, no. If having a fatal crash is the solution to repeated DUIs — we’ve found it.