Cornithaca County - “One Thought, One Taught — One Voice, One Choice”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Chipping Away at Bureaucracy” – Lines of Defense – Part 3

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Chipping Away at Bureaucracy” - Lines of Defense – Part 3

It’s never a good idea to use government and municipal handouts as the sole source of fact gathering; they always put themselves in the best light possible — even if they have to smash a few light bulbs to keep us in the dark.

In Cornithaca County, it’s laid on thick: our town’s new Comprehensive Plan states that the factory farm agriculture in the north of town prevents development and keeps taxes lower, and that extensively developing the south of the town with condos and apartments is good because that will lower taxes as well. They refuse to explain or correct this conundrum.

This new Comp Plan document is over 300 pages long, and is stored at the County level as images only; it can no longer be searched by the public for words and phrases.