Cornithaca County - “One Thought, One Taught — One Voice, One Choice”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Meaningful Participation Erasers”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Meaningful Participation Erasers”

As Cornithaca County steamrollers its way into ever more blatant displays of dictatorial and doctrinal hubris; the use of “meaningful participation erasers” is a bureaucratic given for every public policy enacted.

Their theocracy [The Revealed Church of Secular Self-interest] empowers the elite to hand down policy from the highest possible level: themselves [soon to be capitalized.] And unlike the Divine Right of Kings, they don’t share their authority; even with God.

There is an uneasiness that can actually be felt. There is no job security. People who have differing opinions are lashed out at and defiled in public. Scary stuff.

Is this just over the top rhetoric? What do you see? Maybe there’s no “post” to go with apocalyptic. Extinction is just as natural as evolution.