Cornithaca County - “One Thought, One Taught — One Voice, One Choice”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Plain Speaking/Brain Speaking: “100-Year Flood”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Plain Speaking/Brain Speaking: “100-Year Flood”

This series will examine the dictionary meanings and the common perceptions of certain words and phrases, and show how they can be used to hide the intentions and actions of powerful political and corporate interests from the public.

50 years ago; the idea of “killing for peace” was used to ridicule war. Today, it doesn’t seem ridiculous to imagine a government program called “Future Love” or “Affirmative Love” that would kill to achieve “Love.”

Pluto was redefined to no longer being a planet; and the individual you has been redefined as a fill-in-the-box – put-in-the-box person [“person” is added because you are “respected”]. What’s in the future? More control means smaller boxes.

It’s ironic that while Biology is turning from physical characteristics to the actions of organisms as a means of classification; government is turning from people’s actions [the only workable structuring for a free society] to a policy characterized by physical characteristics.

You know they “love” you — just maybe they’ll “love” you to death.