Cornithaca County - “One Thought, One Taught — One Voice, One Choice”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Famous Quotes – Remix with a Twist”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Famous Quotes – Remix with a Twist”

The “twist” in this case is the political remix given to the quotes. The nicest thing about a remix is that you start with something that is already of known quality — this is the reason there are series that are spun off of a successful movie based on an earlier “prequel” TV show with the characters from a trio of hit movies from the previous decade [It’s also easier to get backing – “If it ain’t broke; remake it.”]

The same technique can be observed in politics: remix what has proven successful in the past at gaining votes and backing.

The producers of one reality show about logging asked the owner to have more equipment breakdowns and dangerous situations to make it more exciting for viewers. How much reality is there in today’s “reality”?

How much equality is there in today’s “equality”?

You can always go back to the well as long as someone keeps filling it. What’s the reality of this action?