More blogs than you can shake a fist at

After making another folder, and saving yet another partially written blog; I’ve decided to make a State of the Blogs Address. As they say in the Deli: “Many are chilled, but few are frozen.” So here is a mixed list of the works that are cluttering my “can’t go the pub” life:

The Lansingville Road Incident – I have frequently blogged about what has happened after the fact; but this blog is about something that hasn’t happened yet: Traffic control on Lansingville Road.

Will Cornithaca County’s doctrine elite place the safety and welfare of the rural community above their own convenience and profit? Not on your crony!

Here are some more of the blogs in process:

Divide and Conquer, For ALL Lansing, Full Disclosure – Full Exposure, Lies and Lubyanka, May the Source be with You, Meaningful Political Participation, Melting Pot Myth, Old and In The Way, Principles vs Arguments, Put on a Different Face, Reasonless Reasoning, Rural Social Justice, Sauce for the Goose, StoneWindowing, The Bigotry Survey, Turned on its Axis, What’s Causing It?

And as promised: Black Box Bureaucracy.

I have recently updated two websites:

The Idea Enhancement Project – exploring the use of visual imagery to promote innovative and creative thought.

Doug Baird Art – representative artworks.

At Christmastime; when the only thing hanging over your head should be mistletoe, and the only thing under your head should be beer — it’s time to have a pint and a kiss, and get back to work. [Did I put them in that order?]

As a poet, I have a confession

I embrace every case for depression

I can sit on my ass

With a great gravitas

And get drunk with a thoughtful expression.