“Rise of the Evil Ones” – The “No Appointments Available” Mobile

The “No Appointments Available” Mobile

Even though 84% of New York’s COVID deaths were aged 65 years and older, and its administration is being investigated for its handling of Nursing Homes during the pandemic; State and County governments still treat these vulnerable elderly residents as a demographic not worth bothering about, or even bothering to mention.

New York’s only “Vaccine Demographic Data” is displayed on their website by the percentage of “Race & Ethnicity” and categorized by “region”: without any population data to distinguish between New York City [42% of the state’s population], and the Southern Tier [2%] — there is no age related information disclosed for any of those vaccinated.

I searched 28 of Cuomo’s “NYS Coronavirus Updates” from 1/13 to 2/23 for “elderly” and “senior”: and the only found the mention of “senior residents” receiving vaccine; as part of a NYCHA vaccination program.

On February 20th; we received a mailing from the County’s Health Department telling the “over 65” population to get vaccinations; but stressing that they do not block or make appointments, they won’t put you on a waiting list, or give advance notice of clinic locations, and advising that you should “ask a trusted family member or friend to assist.”

The motto on the envelope read “Aging Better, Together”