“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “COVID CUOMO” Bumper Sticker

“COVID CUOMO” Bumper Sticker

This series of bumper stickers will tie into a number of themes in the book. I use COVID-19 pandemic as a social tool; an acid test that can reveal more by what it doesn’t affect then what it does. It reveals a glaring lack of compassion in a state whose governor places political doctrine and self-serving policy making above human worth.

In his daily executive updates; Cuomo always has a phrase — never featured; just a tag-line to a bunch of statistics.

“Sadly, we lost 57 New Yorkers to the virus.” “Sadly, we lost 61 New Yorkers to the virus.” “Sadly, we lost 49 New Yorkers to the virus.” New York’s unidentified elderly.

No more important than dripping faucet. An annoying background noise to the political agenda that eventually gets shut out by the brain.

I started to add them up. 6,047 since January 13th — 6,047 Human Beings. Maybe 6,100 by tomorrow. Drip . . . drip . . . drip . . .