“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Cornithaca County is so corrupt . . .” 8

“Cornithaca County is so corrupt . . .” 8

“There are no problems – only trouble makers.” When you have a dictatorship; everybody agrees — or else. And when the colleges that “define the county” are intellectually dishonest — you have the kind of oppression that permeates every thought and act.

The county’s “independent” bookstores are not independent enough to allow non-conforming books on their shelves.

And exposing an issue, even a serious one, that differs from those officially pronounced; is rejected by the local media on the grounds it “would confuse our readers.”

People don’t smile much: not from being serious minded — but from being afraid.

Form Based Codes create neighborhoods – and prisons: they’re created by the same people; and for the same purpose.

How do you get to be a “trouble maker”? Speak out. While you can.