“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – COVID Room

Form Based Evil – COVID Room

“Exposed!” It could be the headline for a Pandemic story that can’t be written. Compassion is no longer a human feeling; it’s a marketing tool. Say “pandemic” and “compassion” together and a picture of a smiling health care worker or first responder appears. Victims are no more than an object — the messy collateral of societal policies and problems.

The elderly did the dying; and there was silence instead of crying. Instead: the Media lamented that kids had to stay at home and play Xbox and text each other; rather than visit their friends and play Xbox and text each other. Our elderly are looked on as an object of the past – put on a display shelf – and minimally cared for to retain their catalog value. They’re a piggy bank waiting to be smashed open — so don’t live too long and disappoint the kids.

Somewhere in our money-changing maze; bureaucrats are gleefully rubbing their hands together and thinking of all the Social Security payments they can keep. But that’s another story . . .