“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Scientific Protocols Room

Form Based Evil – Scientific Protocols Room

We all know it – modern regulations protect wrongdoers from accountability. Psychiatrists release patients into the community who do unthinkable things – but neither they, nor their patients are held accountable. Scientists who can’t even introduce existing species into a different ecosystem without disaster – can follow protocols and release Genetically Modified Organisms into the land, air, and water without any comeback for the harm they do. Polluters make use of a “Swiss army knife” of sweetheart deal-making: Voluntary Guidelines, TDMLs, Best Practices, Permit Shields, and a marriage of toothless regulations, best-friend investigating, and zero-fine adjudications.

Protocols are important because they cut people out of the loop – and cutting out any meaningful citizen participation is what today’s quid-pro-quo government is all about.