“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Criminal Activity

Sanitizing Criminal Activity

Another article bemoaning parolees released into the community; and telling the “other side” of the story — but that’s just what they’re not doing: the other side of the story is about the victims, the victim’s family, and the victim’s friends.

The people living in neighborhoods that have been picked for the “formerly incarcerated” to “re-enter” don’t have the same detached viewpoint as reporters who see predatory behavior from the outside; debating sociology and the circle of life concepts; while driving through a game park with the windows rolled up.

The figures of recidivism they quote; all too often stand for the additional deaths of children, of fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers – and for the pain of loss and injury that can only be dealt with; never disposed of.

You’ve probably heard of the term “fake news” – maybe we need to add “fake justice.”