“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 2

Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 2

The names have been changed to “THEM!” to protect the innocent. Names? If you can only think of one; then you are ripe to be one of the mob.

The form is based on the 1954 movie pressbook – with the “kitchen sink” Type Direction that adds an element of exploitation publicity fun to the graphics. I know my graphic senses will be itching to redesign the “paste in the blank space” pre-press, board style; but it’s nostalgic too.

How many remember “mechanicals”? I worked for a magazine that was too cheap to pay for proofreading the Galleys – so I had to correct it on the drawing board with a razor blade and a T-square: but then; my current budget only allows for Photoshop CS5 – when InDesign would be more fine.