“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 3

Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 3

“You can’t make a dictatorship; without breaking bones” – and “page 3” makes no bones about indoctrinating the public to do it for them.

Giving up your children for school and activities – is still giving up your children. Few parents have any idea of the conforming patterns and attitudes that are being taught to their children.

The COVID Pandemic showed a remarkable lack of compassion for the elderly victims; and marked lack of interest by our government and media.

Maybe the real diversity today resides in the many different pathways we are racing along toward our dissolution: Social, Political, Scientific, Environmental – way too much arrogance and greed, and way too little humility and compassion.

There has been a popular culture of “Post-Apocalyptic” visions — but what are the odds of there being a “Post”? Less every day we wait.