“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “It may be groundbreaking . . .” Bumper sticker

“It may be groundbreaking . . .” Bumper sticker

“It may be groundbreaking; but is it marketable?” It’s not what you do – but how you market it that’s important. The groundbreaking idea may not be yours; but if you market it quicker, better, or to a wider market – it will become yours in the minds of the many.

On the other hand; an idea that is not marketable is unlikely to get any traction these days – “Responsibility” is the duty that other people have to take care of You; or the accountability they have to You for their actions — the idea that You have to pick up any burdens that are not for your own benefit, or that You have a fault that has not been made by someone or something else; is outmoded and unmarketable.

What used to be Society and Community; has turned into a self-serving “Celebration of Our Lives” paradigm.

When you are perfect; it’s everyone else who must change — maybe that’s why people don’t make those New Year’s Resolutions anymore: there’s no market for humility.