“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Rural Families Landfill”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Rural Families Landfill”

When you control all the Institutions, all the Bureaucracies, all the Lawmakers, all the Experts in the county, and are connected through the highest reaches of State and Federal power; you do whatever you want.

The College Town was looking for a community to take over and remake for their own benefit, and they did.

Oh, and they write the history as well.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “College Town CPR” Poster

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “College Town CPR” Poster

When Cornithaca County’s cleverest get into trouble — they look for patsies. The College Town always looked down their noses at their rural neighbors and had nothing to do with them, until their arrogance got them into serious troubles; then using their money, power and Ivy League influence, they reimagined the county as a way to dump all those troubles on their neighbors instead.

Just on example: Their planners created the myth of “rural sprawl” and pushed through the development of ugly urban-sprawl bedroom communities in the green spaces of neighboring towns to “combat” this horror. It’s enough to make a cat laugh, and rural residents weep.

In the “county’s” most recent comprehensive plan, the College Town is said to “define” the county’s future, and the rural community no longer exists.