“The World According to Doctrine” — “Our Government: Always looking for the next trough”

“Our Government: Always looking for the next trough”

Pigs are good for finding truffles because they contain pig sex hormones – it incentivizes them. The same analogy holds true for our government and money – they eagerly sniff out the profit buried at the bottom of every issue and policy; and if there’s none there – they move on.

There’s no profit in helping the rural people in this country; and a great deal to be made by helping the people who exploit them. And there’s no profit in writing articles about rural issues; it would anger the people [advertisers] who exploit them.

Our government follows a policy of Urban Colonialism: Rural people are a disposable population – and when you’re disposable — you can’t be a victim.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Government: They never have the money, mandate or motivation” Bumper sticker

“Government: They never have the money, mandate or motivation” Bumper sticker

In the course of my activism; there were many instances where I appealed to State and Federal representatives for help on local rural issues — they invariably did nothing; claiming they had no jurisdiction or authority in the matter.

Only a fool or a knave would claim this:

In today’s partisan-political world; they have considerable influence on the local and county deciders of their Party.

They did nothing to help because they didn’t want to.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Advanced Dummies and Drag-ons” Screenshot

“Advanced Dummies and Drag-ons” Screenshot

When government has no contact with the people – the noise of critical legislation is just the spinning of tires. Government’s “tell a pleasing story” messaging does nothing to change our course of inevitable death and disaster.

Government will need to step in to manage things like water distribution, economics, food, health, and housing. This means that the big players will get their cut — and the little people will get managed.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Black Market Profiteering” Bumper sticker

“Black Market Profiteering” Bumper sticker

“Black Market Profiteering” has a new meaning: the act or activity of using race and preferential racial policies to make an unreasonable profit on the sale of essential goods and services especially during times of social and economic upheaval.

So far all these little pieces are just outlining the program – prep work for the operation: a dissection.

Does Evil have a heart?

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Government Policies are like any other crime” Bumper sticker

“Government Policies are like any other crime” Bumper sticker

“Cui bono: 1 : a principle that probable responsibility for an act or event lies with one having something to gain”

Government Policies are enacted to help particular entities and institutions – to the exclusion of everyone else. It’s not a government of the People — it’s a gang.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Corruption

Sanitizing Corruption

Saying corruption is cosmopolitan is like saying “may you live in interesting times” – it mellows with distance: a lot of distance. Corruption is dangerous because it attacks the foundations of ethics like a virus; replicating and replacing precepts with profit. While you could argue that a little corruption can make doing some good possible; it makes “goodness” impossible. Corruption is not selfless; and the easy answer is all too often the handle end of a knife. Would you kill this person to save this one? Would you destroy one person to profit another one? Would you kill a million people to profit this one? Corruption always has the same easy answer: “As long as I’m the one.”