“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Tompkins County is so stratified” Bumper sticker

“Tompkins County is so stratified” Bumper sticker

“Tompkins County is so stratified: You can’t just kneel – You have to grovel.” It’s not just that the County’s policy-making elite think so much of themselves; it’s that they think so little of everyone else. Their pretensions can be laughed at – but their pronouncements must be feared. A fool with a gun; has a gun.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Get off the high ground” Bumper Sticker

“Get off the high ground” Bumper Sticker

Get off the high ground: because your views directly contradict the lives and beliefs of every revered figure of human worth and equality. Get off the high ground: because goodness acts in the open; and you insist on secrecy. Get off the high ground: because you bend important principles 180 degrees and still claim you’re fulfilling them.

Get off the high ground; you ain’t all that — but you are all that that has oppressed people throughout history.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “COEXIST” Bumper Sticker

“COEXIST” Bumper Sticker

We can coexist; as long as we do what they want. As long as we say what they want. As long as we think what they want. For as long as they allow.

There is no compromise — it’s just that some things can’t be swallowed whole.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “NO Privileges were given up” Bumper Sticker

“NO Privileges were given up” Bumper Sticker

Cornithaca is a place where rich non-profits decry the materialism of working people all the way to the bank; and “lip service” is another name for a convocation of policy makers.

It’s a place where non-conforming people and ideas are targeted in a servile media; while intellectual lemmings attack and attack with mindless ferocity.

In a county where “user-ism” has replaced activism; profiting in a very material way from public policy has become a way of life.

Their burden is the weight of rulership; ours is to carry their sedan chairs.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “BurglerTime”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “BurglerTime”

In an old Monty Python sketch; a man was told that unfortunately he had chosen the “no-pay” insurance policy, which was a great deal if he never had to use it, but . . .

Our Criminal Justice System best fits the people that never have to rely on it — it works just great in no-crime areas.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – RE-Cycled

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – RE-Cycled

Evil recycles – it comes around again and again – the same content; remade.

Wouldn’t it be useful if government policies were labeled – “80% post corruption content” [the remaining 20% is mostly fools.]

Recycling: it’s the same evil with a different face.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Bug Zapper Level

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Bug Zapper Level

Bug zappers work by giving the illusion of freedom and escape — and hiding the consequences: This is the same way elitist policy making works.

[I can’t say this will lead us to an early grave; because graves take land, land is worth something, and we’ve already served our purpose.]