“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Zero Debt” Bumper sticker

“Zero Debt” Bumper sticker

There are promises that are meant to be kept . . . and there are promises that aren’t. And Biden’s “net zero 2050” has all the earmarks of unfulfilment – I’ll do my homework/clean my room/take out the dog/trash “later.”

Much later. Biden will probably be dead, and probably out of office – so it’s a safe bet to write an I.O.U. on. And there will be three decades of global warming/sea rising/population depleting/pandemic spreading disasters to distract the voters.

Considering that not one of the government’s environmental programs has had any teeth; or any impact – corporations will jump on board the marketing-profiting bandwagon.

“I lied before, but now I’m telling the truth, and I’ll pay you back with interest . . . and . . . can I just borrow a little more until payday – in 2050.”

I remember hearing an activist in the 60s saying: “If you see a pipe pouring out pollution; stop it up.”

I used to think that was a radical solution — now I think that it’s too late.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Environmental snapshot of 2021” Bumper sticker

“Environmental snapshot of 2021” Bumper sticker

You have to look a little deeper than the surface; if you want to heal the surface of the earth. For too many years I have followed the billboard-sized butts of behemoth SUVs with environmental stickers. “Be the Change” has inspired no rising tide of responsibility. And their environmental efforts amount to no more than electing someone else who claims that they will do something about it. “Environmental” is an established marketing segment. We keep borrowing — and the bill collector is coming.

“Dig Done” – The High-Risk Salt Mining Game

“Dig Done” - The High-Risk Salt Mining Game

Is permitting to mine underneath a lake a complex procedure?

Not when the state and the county split the revenue.

Is mining a less than stable lake bed risky?

Not when the mining company gives you verbal assurances.

What will happen if there’s a lake bed collapse?

That’s a complex question.

Why did it happen?

That’s simple.