“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Goodness doesn’t need to hide” Bumper Sticker

“Goodness doesn’t need to hide” Bumper Sticker

There are many ways to hide government activities and wrongdoing besides a plain refusal to disclose information: selective disclosure, purposed government studies, substitution of information, claiming the need to “protect” someone or something, or just by making it too difficult to obtain.

Withholding the information that the people need to debate and decide issues, and denying them the ability to judge the merits of government policies, has become a basic political strategy for authorities who have come to see themselves as rulers and molders of society; rather than representatives.

And although governments may claim to a “greater good” by withholding information from the people; there is no evidence that this is true, or that it is the public good that requires this.

Demand Full Disclosure – Full Exposure of all government policies and statistics.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Full Disclosure – Full Exposure” Bumper Sticker

“Full Disclosure – Full Exposure” Bumper Sticker

No concept could be scarier to today’s secular elite. The selective disclosure of information to legitimize elitist policy making is the stepping stone to their “greater good” dictatorship: a “Black Box” Bureaucracy of power and control.

I used to satirize this society by saying that the only rights left will be the right to be a victim and the right to be poor. This isn’t true — they’ll decide that as well.