“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Power-ups Corrupt

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Power-ups Corrupt

“Power-ups” can instantly add to the life, armor, strength or score of a videogame player — but how does this apply to the games politicians have created?

Uttering a “shopping list” of cant phrases; politicians have blown apart the barriers that protected us from oppression, and designed a game where all differences can be treated differently.

These societal “power-ups” can add markedly to the wealth and perceived worth of those people who are designated; by their race, their gender, or by any categorization or profiling that politicians decide.

They make the rules.

Power-ups can be given — but they can also be taken away.

Maybe the rules will be changed to produce a game you have no chance of winning.

They’ll decide.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “. . . when county employees won’t pick up the phone”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – . . . when county employees won’t pick up the phone

Government has more important things to do than deal with the people — that’s why Doctrine puts people on the “receiving only” end of elitist policy making. The career longevity message to bureaucrats and government employees is clear:

“Pay attention to those above you; who cares if the people love you.”

Having to deal with other people’s problems interferes with the work-flow — and if they think they’ve got rid of you, and you come back: you’re labeled as a trouble maker.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Easy Riddles – “The New Society”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Easy Riddles - “The New Society”

This version of the classic riddle is intended to involve children with thinking about government [a much older and more difficult riddle.]

People can solve riddles and people learn new things; but it’s easier not to — people can control government; but it’s easier to let government do the driving and go along for the ride.

That’s one reason I’m so fond of fables as a learning tool; they can give the knowledge without having to experience the situation.

What about people who don’t even learn from experience? Why do people in a horror movie always split up? [Even when you tell them not to.]

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Easy Riddles – Solution: “The New Society”