“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “It’s not the experience you can see . . .” Bumper Sticker

“It’s not the experience you can see . . .” Bumper Sticker

Today, in a word, is dull. The endless flashy parade of entitlement is no more than a freight train that holds you up at the crossing.

It’s time for old people to shrug off the soporific talk, talk, talk, advocacy that led to so many pandemic deaths; and get confrontational.

When you’ve done so much; it’s annoying to be treated as so little.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “EQUITABULLSHIT!” Bumper Sticker

“EQUITABULLSHIT!” Bumper Sticker

Corruption and evil do not grow and thrive in the light of disclosure and exposure — they scheme for non-disclosure and the reimagined righteousness of self-interest.

“Equitable” policy is a denial of human worth. It’s a proclamation by the rich and powerful that they will now decide who you are and what you can be. You disagree? Let’s debate it in the revealing light of Full Disclosure and Full Exposure: if there was nothing to hide; it wouldn’t be secret.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – Poem: “You Decide”

Poem: “You Decide”

This poem is dedicated to the Autocrats who run our lives, those who aspire to that position, and those live off the scraps. You don’t believe it? When’s the last time you were ever asked [or allowed] to have any meaningful participation in policy making?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “BEFORE you go out” Poster

“BEFORE you go out” Poster

It’s not surprising how easily COVID posters can be converted to cautionary proclamations. The restrictions used for the eradication of a virus and the eradication of an idea are very much the same.

And a vaccine performs a similar function to indoctrination in building resistance to an outside influence.

Even the policies that emphasize isolating and tracking down the source share a common fear: loss of control.

“For the greater good” is the tyrant’s slogan of the new century. While the “good” is something that the people can decide among themselves, this “greater good” seems to require an overarching and overriding control — and the kind of authority that glories in it.

“Full Disclosure – Full Exposure” of government policies and statistics leads to thinking. Thinking leads to questioning; and questioning leads to freedom.

How much does your government like to be questioned?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “PROCTORS” Card Game Advertisement

“PROCTORS” Card Game Advertisement

“It’s not revenge; it’s Justice.”

In a time when the wildest performances adhere to convention as clingingly as the safest Salon painting; being different is more than just a target of repression — it’s the object of envy.

The “PROCTORS” Card Game lets you get back at those whose courage makes you feel small; and with some serious vicarious teeth.

It’s like a hanging in effigy; when you’re safe in the crowd.

Coming Soon.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – Cornithaca Billboards – “Come GROW with Us”

“Come GROW with Us”

Big government only seems to be comfortable with big players. This “big” does not refer to its size, but to its scope and its partners: A small town government may aspire to “bigness” through its connection to larger powers; and the control this leverages in the lives of the residents.

Cornithaca’s government is an interlocking structure comprised of Institutions, Corporations, and Non-profits; with no meaningful participation by the people.

We are told we should be grateful that we are allowed to speak at public meetings, and live among such forward looking and benevolent guidance.

We have no choice.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “message”


Scary? It depends on who’s calling.

Society is no longer about people: it’s about government. That’s why governments [and the people who control them] have been rolling up all power and decision making into one place.

Artificial Intelligence may replace you; but it can’t replace the greed and ambition that drive it . . . yet.


“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Camo-Origami Level”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Camo-Origami Level”

Patterns can reveal; but they can also be used to hide. Sometime the focus is kept narrow so that the larger pattern cannot be seen.

“Full Disclosure – Full Exposure” is a policy that has the promise of allowing the public examine all the factors that should be involved in any government decision making process.

This idea is not welcomed.