“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – Cornithaca Billboards – “It’s Fun to be a 501(c)”

Cornithaca Billboards – “It’s Fun to be a 501(c)”

Is nothing sacred!? Charity, like Compassion, was always considered to be an unconditional act. Today, Charity often comes with the conditions, overheads, and product and personality tie-ins. Charity is big business. And unlike the old proverb: “Charity sees the need, not the cause” — today’s charities are quick to define who has cause to be a recipient. Unsurprisingly, this cause extends to the charities themselves; with as much as 80% of the contributions going to “prime the pump” in-house.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Non-Profits of the Caribbean” Movie Poster

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Non-Profits of the Caribbean” Movie Poster

People in Cornithaca County will climb anything to look down their noses at others, and what better way than working in a non-profit — they’re recession proof and smug in an “I’ve got a giving sticker on my BMW” way.

And whether you see it as pirated giving or the big dog gets the prize; today’s biggest non-profits have become so powerful and venerated, they seem more important than the causes they wave. A perfect match for Cornithaca’s “vibrant community” façade.