“Dig Done” – The High-Risk Salt Mining Game

“Dig Done” - The High-Risk Salt Mining Game

Is permitting to mine underneath a lake a complex procedure?

Not when the state and the county split the revenue.

Is mining a less than stable lake bed risky?

Not when the mining company gives you verbal assurances.

What will happen if there’s a lake bed collapse?

That’s a complex question.

Why did it happen?

That’s simple.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Writer’s Choice”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Writer’s Choice”

“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are just words to those who live under the boot of industrial farming. Corporate Agribusinesses fund and bully the politicians, control the agricultural colleges and the regulators, and through a combination of advertising dollars, threats, and litigation control the media as well.

As the upcoming Part 2 will show: even the law is no protection against these powerful interests. They have the power to make the law go away.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Anonymous Victim Survey”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Anonymous Victim Survey”

“You know you live in Cornithaca County, when the only rights left are the right to be a victim and the right to be poor.” This statement sums up what it’s like to be a rural resident in Cornithaca County. Rural people are considered so unimportant that they don’t even get a minimal share out of the wealth that its autocratic leaders gather from each new policy decision. Unfortunately; this survey can’t even be classed as satirical.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Regulator Sing-a-long”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Regulator Sing-a-long”

Knowing how to navigate your way through a maze of shadow-government regulatory shortcuts is sometimes just a matter of knowing the right people. Often, public oversight is seen as a stumbling block to the smooth functioning of established business-bureaucrat partnerships, and their special understandings.

This difficulty has been overcome in Cornithaca County, where the people have no meaningful representation in government, and the investigation of regulatory misconduct is handed over to the parties involved; for their sole adjudication.

They’re “so important” and they “define the county” are phrases that are frequently used by county government to elevate powerful interests above the everyday requirements of ethical and responsible action.

There is no ethical voice raised in opposition . . . they’ve taken care of that as well.

Part 8a Follow-up — Integrity and Transparency in Government – Deadly Drift

This follow-up blog to Part 8a lists the recipients and posts their responses to the issues detailed in Deadly Drift.

The letter and its enclosures were sent via USPS Express Mail envelopes by Certified Mail to ensure their tracking and receipt:

NYS Attorney General Letitia James

NYS Dept. of Health Howard A. Zucker, M.D., J.D.

NYS Senator Pamela Helming

Tompkins County Health Dept. Elizabeth Cameron

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Sen. Gillibrand and both state and county health departments claimed they had “no jurisdiction” and “no oversight” and told me to go elsewhere, while Sen. Helming and the Attorney General’s Office merely passed my complaint of the NYSDEC’s misconduct back to the NYSDEC for their review. The NYSDEC, in turn, dismissed my complaint without ever addressing the evidence. Their investigation could be summarized in seven words: “It was done right and that’s that!”

Continue reading Part 8a Follow-up — Integrity and Transparency in Government – Deadly Drift