“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Proverbs

Sanitizing Proverbs

We’re living in a time of “remakes” – but also a time of revisions. Rather than debating their disconnect from the principles and people we most respect and revere; Doctrine holders try to coopt and corrupt those principles, and our memories, by claiming they have the same aims; and the same views — but you can’t follow somebody by walking in the opposite direction.

Claiming that you are following Martin Luther King, Jr’s path to “Justice” through discriminatory and racist policies, carried out in secret; is an insult to his life and his fight for human freedom and individual worth.

Lincoln’s belief that: “Important principles may, and must, be inflexible” directly contradicts modern Doctrine’s teachings: that principles can be twisted, bent upon themselves, and broken in the service of that Doctrine. It’s interesting to see how the doctrinaire History Channel avoids and “revises” Lincoln’s beliefs.