“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “This Frypan, Earth” Movie poster

“This Frypan, Earth” Movie poster

“Inspired by Scientific Fact!” It’s a new deal in the fight against Global Warming – but the big players have already been shuffled to the bottom of the deck.

A psychologist once told me that doctors were taught arrogance at school. Now, all our “professionals” seem to have caught the bug. They have the pride of a child who feels in control because he or she has gotten the machine to move: without worrying about how to stop it.

The roles that government, business and, science have taken on for themselves is the same recipe used to plot monster and horror stories throughout the millennia — power, pride, greed, and victims.

Proponents of genetically modified and manipulated organisms, nano-technology, artificial intelligence, and more are bursting the unguarded safeguards of reason and caution. They’re itching to make their toys run – and have no idea how to stop them.

As our ability to start things far outstrips our understanding; and our power to effect change becomes world-class – the coming fall; may be the end for all.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Scientific Protocols Room

Form Based Evil – Scientific Protocols Room

We all know it – modern regulations protect wrongdoers from accountability. Psychiatrists release patients into the community who do unthinkable things – but neither they, nor their patients are held accountable. Scientists who can’t even introduce existing species into a different ecosystem without disaster – can follow protocols and release Genetically Modified Organisms into the land, air, and water without any comeback for the harm they do. Polluters make use of a “Swiss army knife” of sweetheart deal-making: Voluntary Guidelines, TDMLs, Best Practices, Permit Shields, and a marriage of toothless regulations, best-friend investigating, and zero-fine adjudications.

Protocols are important because they cut people out of the loop – and cutting out any meaningful citizen participation is what today’s quid-pro-quo government is all about.

October 1, 2021 “All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Scientific protocols: Don’t protect us from harm” Bumper sticker

“Scientific protocols: Don’t protect us from harm” Bumper sticker

“Scientific protocols: Don’t protect us from harm – They protect scientists from accountability.” An important part of today’s regulatory process is how well it works to protect the interests of those who are regulated. We are a country filled with ineffectual environmental regulations; that effectively protect the polluters. Methods that “sustainably catch” the one kind of fish; while they are devastating to another. The slippery-sliding codes of “USDA Organic.” “Voluntary guidelines” and “Best” practices – best for who? Science’s disastrous history of the importation and introduction of already existing species; has in no way reduced their willingness to create and release new organisms of unknown potentialities and repercussions. So don’t look at it as putting your fingers in a grinder — look at it as getting a free multi-articulating myoelectric prosthetic hand. The road to hell is paved with good credentials.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Myth of Responsible Science”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Myth of Responsible Science”

In a time of “doing good by definition,” it’s important to look behind the bureaucratic billboards and see what their “vision of the future” is actually like. Non-profits are defined as “good” [even if 80% of the donations are siphoned off before they trickle down to the needy] and so is “Science.”

Why is it that so many professions that deal in cold hard cash and cold hard facts are now cloaking themselves in compassion and concern?

The answer is revealed in Cornithaca County.