Cornithaca County - “One Thought, One Taught — One Voice, One Choice”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Frequent Felons Program”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Frequent Felons Program”

Prisons punish criminals . . . No, prisons rehabilitate criminals . . . no, wait . . . we don’t really know what the intentions of our criminal justice system is. It seems, however, to be much more comfortable with acts of criminals than their victims.

Victims are “in the wrong place at the wrong time” or “put themselves” into that situation.

Our justice system is a long term caregiver for felons; but it “shines on” the victims and their families with a “plea bargain – closure” two-step.

Criminals can turn themselves around and start with a clean slate; but the pain is never erased for the families, friends, relatives, and children of their victims.

Our criminal justice system is not the custodian of our society; it’s just a bureaucratic machine covered in human skins.