Cornithaca County - “One Thought, One Taught — One Voice, One Choice”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Mark Twain Quotes and Coloring Page”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Mark Twain Quotes and Coloring Page”

These Mark Twain quotes are very much to the point and worth thinking about; and coloring and doodling are good ways to let the mind wander into some productive thinking territory.

I’ve decided to add pieces and maybe a section the book to results of research into the use of visual imagery to promote creative and innovative thought. This “qualitative thinking” is based on my belief that art and ideas occupy the same area of the mind; and that the most productive thinking can be done “in situ.”

Work on the Idea Enhancement Project has been pushed to the back while I’ve been writing these books, and this will give me a chance to share the results so far and keep moving forward.