“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Zero Debt” Bumper sticker

“Zero Debt” Bumper sticker

There are promises that are meant to be kept . . . and there are promises that aren’t. And Biden’s “net zero 2050” has all the earmarks of unfulfilment – I’ll do my homework/clean my room/take out the dog/trash “later.”

Much later. Biden will probably be dead, and probably out of office – so it’s a safe bet to write an I.O.U. on. And there will be three decades of global warming/sea rising/population depleting/pandemic spreading disasters to distract the voters.

Considering that not one of the government’s environmental programs has had any teeth; or any impact – corporations will jump on board the marketing-profiting bandwagon.

“I lied before, but now I’m telling the truth, and I’ll pay you back with interest . . . and . . . can I just borrow a little more until payday – in 2050.”

I remember hearing an activist in the 60s saying: “If you see a pipe pouring out pollution; stop it up.”

I used to think that was a radical solution — now I think that it’s too late.