“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Invaders from SARS” Movie poster

“Invaders from SARS” Movie poster

“Keep watching the sky!” The Pandemics aren’t over – this is just the beginning. We’re throwing genetic material around with the gleeful thoughtlessness of a lunch-room food fight . . . and with the same lack of concern for missing the target. Oceans of antibiotic-resistant pathogens are spilled, dumped, sprayed, and injected into the environment by the billions of gallons from the cesspits of factory farms – where genetically modified pigs and chickens are packed by their thousands in sheds – the perfect environment for genetic reassortment, recombination and mutation.

Can you do anything? Yes – don’t be a “circle of blame” statistic; make sure you keep stocked up on masks, gloves and sanitizers; food and water and cleaning products, flashlights and batteries, towels and toilet paper [you remember that last time?]; keep your car gassed, your deadbolts locked, your gun loaded, and your guest list restricted — and keep watching the sky!