“The World According to Doctrine” — New Normal Videogame Screenshots – “Pandemic-proof HOA”

“Pandemic-proof HOA”

How sure is sure? If one person doesn’t follow instructions – or only pretends to follow them — what can happen? With pandemics – with emerging technologies – with invasive species – with terrorists . . .

How can you prevent everything from collapsing? That was a question. How can you prevent everything from collapsing? “No plan is an island.”

“The World According to Doctrine” — The New Normal – “The Next Pandemic”

The New Normal – “The Next Pandemic”

Was the 2019 COVID-19 bad for you? What about future Pandemics that don’t discriminate by age? Pandemics that strike to the heart of a millennial age-driven smugness? Viruses like MVD’s hemorrhagic fever: that dare to not care who is there.

Our runaway science – stirred into an already overcrowded and disintegrating world has had the World Health Organization uttering pandemic warnings for decades.

In the aftermaths of increasingly common and globally disastrous Climate Change “events” – prevention of pandemics may be impossible – and the cure: “anyone’s guess.”

Time to Google those kid-size hazmat suits.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Invaders from SARS” Movie poster

“Invaders from SARS” Movie poster

“Keep watching the sky!” The Pandemics aren’t over – this is just the beginning. We’re throwing genetic material around with the gleeful thoughtlessness of a lunch-room food fight . . . and with the same lack of concern for missing the target. Oceans of antibiotic-resistant pathogens are spilled, dumped, sprayed, and injected into the environment by the billions of gallons from the cesspits of factory farms – where genetically modified pigs and chickens are packed by their thousands in sheds – the perfect environment for genetic reassortment, recombination and mutation.

Can you do anything? Yes – don’t be a “circle of blame” statistic; make sure you keep stocked up on masks, gloves and sanitizers; food and water and cleaning products, flashlights and batteries, towels and toilet paper [you remember that last time?]; keep your car gassed, your deadbolts locked, your gun loaded, and your guest list restricted — and keep watching the sky!

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “BEFORE you go out” Poster

“BEFORE you go out” Poster

It’s not surprising how easily COVID posters can be converted to cautionary proclamations. The restrictions used for the eradication of a virus and the eradication of an idea are very much the same.

And a vaccine performs a similar function to indoctrination in building resistance to an outside influence.

Even the policies that emphasize isolating and tracking down the source share a common fear: loss of control.

“For the greater good” is the tyrant’s slogan of the new century. While the “good” is something that the people can decide among themselves, this “greater good” seems to require an overarching and overriding control — and the kind of authority that glories in it.

“Full Disclosure – Full Exposure” of government policies and statistics leads to thinking. Thinking leads to questioning; and questioning leads to freedom.

How much does your government like to be questioned?

New Word – “Equitabullshit”

New Word – “Equitabullshit”

“Equitable” is actually a denial of human worth, and a proclamation that those in authority have the sole right to divide and decide the rights of others — even the right to live.

To the people who claim that there is a “greater justice”: if this justice can be apportioned by the dictates of the rich and powerful; how can you claim there is any justice at all?

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “So Long”

“So Long” “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “So Long”

Public Health officials announced that COVID-19 vaccinations for those over the age of 75 in rural New York “will move into an undetermined time.”

Even while the Attorney General’s office is investigating misconduct in the State’s treatment of nursing homes during the pandemic; the State keeps shuffling its most-at-risk population to the back of the vaccination line.

While New York’s power groups bat COVID causes and cures back and forth — its rural elderly are merely in the way.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “By Their Deeds”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “By Their Deeds”

Nothing sets the “Cornithacan” attitude apart more than their lack of empathy for others. The local Socialist party took to the College Town streets; urging the release of criminals to protect against COVID-19 in prisons; while being quietly unconcerned with the mounting death toll in a nursing home only a few miles away.

Give them a question of Doctrine, and they can parse righteousness to a screaming frenzy: but any question of compassion or human dignity is beside the point.

This is the present state of Cornithaca County — and the future everywhere?

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Left in Park – “The Old Days are Passing”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Left in Park – “The Old Days are Passing”

In this new episode of the Cornithaca County television spin-off; It’s an “Ill windfall that does no good” as the usual users find more ways to profit from the Pandemic.

They’ll be singing “Out with the Old and in with the Cash” when “stimulus” checks take on a new meaning and bureaucrats wax fat on wholesale inheritance taxes.