“The World According to Doctrine” — “Hard-wired for privilege” Bumper sticker

“Hard-wired for privilege” Bumper sticker

It’s a privilege that comes at a price: paid for by others now – and by themselves later.

What’s in it for those who do the “wiring”? Everything.

Mechanistic concepts of humanity are proliferating; especially those that promote human use over human worth.

Mechanistic science involves breaking down the universe into its component processes and parts – without knowing or ensuring that you have all the parts or understand the processes. It’s a “lossy” technique that throws out everything that is too complex or superficially unclear; in order to prove its thesis.

In our disintegrating world; swirling with ignorance, poverty, and famine – the trumpetings of science seem more like the unveiling of a golden throne, than a compassionate hand to the fallen.