With policy making that has closer ties to the Khmer Rouge than Martin Luther King, Jr. – Tompkins County is a college destination with the sort of moral compass that lands people a spot on American Greed. What is the Secret Cornell? Something that makes the College Admissions Scandal seem like throat-clearing at a political rally.

The Secret Cornell 8

Cornell, like other colonial powers; quells unrest at home through the application of foreign booty. What happens in the rest of Tompkins County is of no interest to the dwellers of Ithaca. Newspapers, media, and debate froth in a teapot of narcissistic navel viewing – hair-splitting doctrinal reasoning and witch-hunting the scent of non-conformity.

Cornell’s Urban Colonialist policies maintain a constant flow: exporting problems and burdens to rural towns – and importing a higher quality of life for those who can still feel the pea of discomfort through the many layers of perks and privileges. Cornell cunningly promotes a society of dependence at home; through taxation and privation abroad.

Even their industrial policies echo those of past colonial paradigms: when Lansing was about to receive natural gas from NYSEG and attract business and manufacturing – Cornell’s County Legislature traveled to Albany to block it. The County’s planning clearly states that Ithaca is to be the center of business, industry, finance, and culture . . . the center of all. The centrality.  


Money clubs with money – and all money trails lead to Cornell: along with the corruption, cronyism, duplicity, greed . . . and arrogance that so often accompanies money. The rural poor know: “Cornell don’t care, Cornell don’t share.”