With policy making that has closer ties to the Khmer Rouge than Martin Luther King, Jr. – Tompkins County is a college destination with the sort of moral compass that lands people a spot on American Greed. What is the Secret Cornell? Something that makes the College Admissions Scandal seem like throat-clearing at a political rally.

The Secret Cornell 9

If there’s mark left by Cornell’s planning on the county’s rural landscape; it’s a serpentine path that is anything but meandering. Sometimes it brushes against the boundaries of license, and sometimes against the shackles of repression: but it always follows the path of greatest profit.

In their self-serving New Millennium way; Cornell molds particles of fact and law together to create a reasoning that was never intended – to support their policies of unilateral gain.

Cornell’s County planning talks about working together: but it’s not a together of equals – it’s a together of master and servant; or master and slave. There is no togetherness in Cornell’s “together” – it’s leadership by royal proclamation: and enforcement by tax collector and bailiff.

From cap and gown to robe and crown: Cornell typifies the trend of our country’s elite: from thinking they’re better than other people — to acting on that belief.


Residents of the old rural community in Lansing have not all been driven out; but in the minds of its new rulers – they no longer exist. A recent message and plea for support of traffic control on a rural road that has become overrun with a high volume of reckless drivers; including weeks of speed/volume statistics, photo documentation, letters of support from two authorities, and federal guidelines showing it conformed to “best practices,” was sent to Lansing government.

There was no response. No response at all.

It’s a government that suppresses, a government that refuses, a government that denies. Like Scrooge; they measure everything in terms of gain – but there will never be an epiphany.