“The World According to Doctrine” — Bigoted Billboard: “There is no ‘us’”

Bigoted Billboard: “There is no ‘us’”

They might as well put it on a billboard: Every policy is an affirmation of divisive and discriminatory power brokering – autocracy and acquisitiveness; cloaked in an “emperor’s new clothes” of fearful acquiescence.

Like most of today’s fraudulent policies: they’re sold on their mechanisms; not their results – convincing an uneasy public that they need to give over all their freedoms to protect themselves from oppression.

Then one day the policies disappear — and their freedoms along with them.

“The World According to Doctrine” — Bigoted Billboards: “Proud to support”

Bigoted Billboards: “Proud to support”

LGBTQIA+ support of bigoted government policies undermines any legitimacy to their claims of fighting for individual worth and choice.

When you make a deal with the devil; you have the devil to pay — good luck with getting a discount.