“The World According to Doctrine” — “Dear Politicians”

“Dear Politicians”

The froth of unhappiness and discord that rises to the top of every issue is a product of the divisive politics of our time. Politicians use hate, fear, and envy to pry apart communities into voting blocks – more concerned with getting themselves elected; than the welfare of the electorate.

Ruling over a society in turmoil only increases their chances acquiring more power and control. Divide and conquer is as old as ambition.

The new millennium is so naïve: they believe they’re different. We’re making a history that will serve as a cautionary tale — if we live that long.

Part 8 – Integrity and Transparency in Government Introduction

Does the public have any meaningful participation in Tompkins County’s policies?

Is the county being run for the health and well-being of all the people?

Are the county’s policies formulated for long term sustainability, or short-term gain?

In each blog, I will focus on an actual incident or issue that raises questions about the conduct of those who have been entrusted with the welfare of the public at large.

The questions and facts of the case will be included in a letter sent to the persons responsible for regulatory oversight, as well as to our elected representatives. The body of the letter will be disclosed in each blog, and the results of these letters and the names of recipients will be posted as updates.

At the end of the series, I will summarize the findings as to whether the response of Tompkins County public officials has been consistent with their duty to protect the public at large.  

Coming next week: Part 8a — Deadly Drift