“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Cornithaca Billboards 4”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Cornithaca Billboards 4”

“Doctrine, Doctrine everywhere, and not a drop of love.” to paraphrase the poem. Cornithaca’s Elite have run a relentless hate and fear campaign since I can remember — and as to their love; any examination of the county’s poor and needy shows that it must have evaporated decades ago.

When I wrote to the local college where the noted Rural Sociologist Janet Fitchen taught and authored Poverty in Rural America, requesting their help in publicizing the county’s current rural poverty and neglect: The response I received was; “She lived in simpler times.”

A year ago, Cornithaca gave a quarter of a million dollar tax let-off to the largest privately owned corporation in the US. Why? The corporation said they needed it.

What’s complicated about that?

It’s OK: they’ll simply increase our taxes to make up the difference.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Hog Farm and the Hurricane”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Hog Farm and the Hurricane”

If there is any bi-partisan agreement in this country, it’s the importance of “Big Ag” [a conglomerate of corporate Agribusinesses, Industrial Farms, the “Food industry,” and Politicians].

It’s not surprising that a group with that much money and power [coupled with a “City-centric” media and a government policy that claims to eschew race, gender, and national origin in their forward looking society, and yet uses them as the basis of every decision and piece of legislation] is able to suppress what is being done to rural families in our country.

It’s also not surprising that in Cornithaca County, a place so Liberal that their feet scarcely touch the land they hold dominion over; their mouths overflow with a dismissive contempt — reviling the rural community as “hillbillies,” “good old boys,” “trailer trash,” “ignorant,” “bigoted,” and “Lily Whites,” without ever having met or spoken with one.

This bigotry will be exposed, and well documented, in Part 2 of Cornithaca County.

Does changing the target, change the act? If so, where does that thinking come from?

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Crocodile Tears” Hopscotch

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Crocodile Tears” Hopscotch - LEFT
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Crocodile Tears” Hopscotch - RIGHT

The Victim’s Fault of “being in the wrong place at the wrong time” could very well refer to Cornithaca County in 2020: where the elite of Revealed Church of Secular Self-interest believe that goodness is not a way of life, but a way to make a very good living.

In a county that practices outreach as a way take, not to give, the poor rural families are being forced out by high property taxes and repressive municipal codes while its government concerns itself with creating a template for How People Must Live. Cornithaca County is a New Religion dictatorship, and as its full extent is revealed, you may be frightened to see how much of it is already being put into place where you live.

You know you live in a Cornithaca County: When the public can’t ask questions at a public meeting.