“The World According to Doctrine” — “What will a ‘hundred year flood, look like. . ?” Bumper sticker

“What will a ‘hundred year flood, look like. . ?” Bumper sticker

As flooding gets worse – our government’s “hundred year flood” criteria bobs on the surface; constantly being revised to meet ever-higher levels of water – a damage control that substitutes reassurance for regulation. It’s as if the definition of “serious illness” had been changed from “bed-ridden” to “riding in a hearse.”

The USGS explanation doesn’t even mention Climate Change as a cause.

And if you won’t even admit the problem – how far away are you from doing something to solve it?

Like those science fiction movies where authorities have only so many days to act before the public is aware of the oncoming cataclysm – the true magnitude of climate change and its fallout is racing towards us from the future.