“The World According to Doctrine” — “What will a ‘hundred year flood, look like. . ?” Bumper sticker

“What will a ‘hundred year flood, look like. . ?” Bumper sticker

As flooding gets worse – our government’s “hundred year flood” criteria bobs on the surface; constantly being revised to meet ever-higher levels of water – a damage control that substitutes reassurance for regulation. It’s as if the definition of “serious illness” had been changed from “bed-ridden” to “riding in a hearse.”

The USGS explanation doesn’t even mention Climate Change as a cause.

And if you won’t even admit the problem – how far away are you from doing something to solve it?

Like those science fiction movies where authorities have only so many days to act before the public is aware of the oncoming cataclysm – the true magnitude of climate change and its fallout is racing towards us from the future.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “The foundation of government policy making” Bumper sticker

“The foundation of government policy making” Bumper sticker

“What constitutes Fraud”: A material false statement, Victim reliance, and Damages.

In November, 2021; The White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy released the U.S Methane Emission Reduction report – “Critical and commonsense steps to cut pollution. It describes Methane as “a particularly destructive greenhouse gas” and that “one ton of methane in the atmosphere has about 80 times the warming impact of a ton of CO2.”

“A material false statement” – Agriculture is largest contributor to methane emissions at 38% of the total; but it’s not listed by name in the Emissions by Source “pie chart” and it’s pushed down to the bottom of the list [after oil and gas, landfills, and abandoned coal mines], and while Gas, Oil, and Landfills include their percentage of the total; Agriculture is just called “a major source.” Even though every other sector has reduced methane emissions – and only Agriculture continues to increase methane emissions –the Biden-Harris Administration is relying on “voluntary partnership efforts” and refusing to regulate agricultural pollution. This same report still claims that the Administration is using “all available tools” including “commonsense regulations” and “transparency and disclosure of actionable data.”

“Victim reliance” – We have nowhere else to turn.

“Damages” – We’re just warming up.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Climate Spin Doctoring” Bumper sticker

“Climate Spin Doctoring” Bumper sticker

It’s not the light at the end of the “Climate change” tunnel – it’s the light that blinds us to where that tunnel is heading. It’s interesting and revealing that our disintegrating world is serving as the means to make exciting discoveries about those peoples and animals that have died in the past.

It’s a century that has given us the technology to be able to record and preserve the details of our own extinction — but not the wisdom to prevent it.

“New Book” – “Climate Change is what you expect” Bumper sticker

“Climate Change is what you expect” Bumper sticker

Even when admitting to the existence of Climate Change; politicians present the big picture — one that doesn’t include the people.

Global temperature changes are what they debate — death and destruction is what we get.

The climate in Congress is definitely chilly.